The high-level LoM (30-year) plan is depicted in the detailed sections per operation describing each operation in terms of planning Levels I, II and III. These do not include all the “blue sky” opportunities as this is often in the scenario or pre-feasibility stage of planning; some of this potential is specifically excluded at this early stage. Caution should be taken when considering the LoM plans as these may vary if assumptions, modifying factors, exchange rates or metals prices change materially. In this regard it should be noted that the Impala LoM in particular depicts the status as at 31 December 2013 with some adjustment for the impact of the prolonged strike.
These LoM profiles should be read in conjunction with mineral resource estimates to determine the long-term potential. The graphs below show the consolidated high-level LoM plans collated from the individual profiles per operation. The pictorial 30-year profiles are shown as a combination of Levels I, II and III and also the contribution by operation. Only LoM I is based on mineral reserves while LoM II and III have not been converted to mineral reserves. Note that Afplats is the only non-producing operation included in these combined profiles. It is clear from a combined view that a large proportion of the 30-year plan (some 46%) is still in Levels II and III and would require further studies and approval. The profiles below illustrate the total tonnage; the volumes attributable to Implats will be lower.
Construction at 17 Shaft, Impala